Monday, November 19, 2007

KOHA: An Open Source Solution for Library Automation

C.S. Venkatarama Reddy
Librarian, CMR Institute of Technology
#132, AECS Layout, IT Park Road, Bangalore – 560 037

Many open source software applications now available for Library and Information Management, the organizations have an option to acquire and implement such kind applications. Koha is world’s first free open source Library system, comes with full catalogue, circulation, member management, serials management, acquisition and OPAC. This article describes the architecture and modules of the Koha in detail.
Keywords: Automation, Open Source, Koha, OPAC, MARC
Libraries should adopt the new sophisticated Information Technology tools to provide accurate and instant information and to cope up with the demands of new knowledge, the enormous increase in the collection of documents, their problem of storage, dissemination and retrieval of information. The appearance of computer has greatly increased the house keeping operations of Library like Acquisitions control, Serials control, Circulation control and OPAC.
International Encyclopedia of Information Technology and Library Science defines automation as “the technology concerned with design and development of process and system that minimize the necessity of human intervention in their operation”.
Hollerith invented the punched cards in 1880 for tabulating the census data. In 1950 the Library of Congress (LC) used the unit record machine for the production of catalogues. University of Texas was used the punched cards in 1936 for circulation control and serial control. In 1942 Montclair Public Library in New Jersey used book charging machines.
Open Source Software is software whose source code is made freely available for inspection, modification and incorporation in other software, as distincts from being a closely guarded trade secret of software companies. The licenses typically specify that applications and source code are free to use, modify and distribute, so long as these modifications, uses and redistributions are similarly licensed.
In the last few years, it has entered the mainstream software market, with the widespread adoption of packages such as Linux (OS), mySQL, PHP, Perl, Python, Apache Web Server, and the Zope content management system. Its effects are beginning to be felt in the Library Automation market place as open source projects develop within the Library community.
Development of Open Source products is generally rapid and more responsive to users compared with that of commercial software. The open source system has the advantage of relatively low cost.
Open Source Software’s
v GNUTECA is free, open source software for library automation, including s loan system, catalog collaboration, MARC editing, etc.
v Museolog is a web driven software system for cataloging of museum information. It is developed by EUROCOLD & UNESCO HeritageNet Project.
v LearningAccess ILS is a full feature open source Library automation system developed for public and school libraries throughout the world. The system fully supports MARC21, Z39.50, Unicode and other standards identified by IFLA.
v Avanti Circulation System is a simple, scalable, networkable, client/sever circulation system. The product consists of circulation module, minimal OPAC, and network and user interfaces.
v PhpMyLibrary is a PHP MySQL Library automation application, it consists of cataloguing, circulation, and WebOPAC module. It has got import and export feature also. It strictly follows the USMARC standards.
v OpenBiblio is automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloguing and staff administration.
v e – Granthalaya is a library automation package developed by National Informatics centre, Bangalore. It consists of circulation, cataloguing, Acquisition, serial control, OPAC and other modules.
Koha is a full featured open source Integrated Library System (ILS) for automating Library transactions, developed initially in New Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd and first deployed in January of 2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust, it is currently maintained by a team of software providers and library technology staff from around the globe. It has all the basic features needed to run a Library.
Ø Online Public Access Catalogue of the Library holdings
Ø Database of Library users
Ø Circulation i.e. issues & returns of Library items
Ø Reservation Facility for Library items
Ø Management of serials i.e. subscription, renewals etc
Ø Budgets management
Ø Transfers between Library Branches
Ø Other most of the related functions of the Library
Ø It uses dual database design that utilizes the strengths of the two major industry standard database types (Text & RDBMS). This ensures that it is scalable enough to meet the transaction load of any Library.
Koha supports MARC21 and UNIMARC bibliographic records. It also uses Z39.50 protocol.
Software and Hardware Requirements
Ø Operating System: Linux or Debian or Windows
Ø Web Server: Apache
Ø Database: MySQL
Ø Programming Language: Perl
Ø 1GB RAM, 80GB Hard Disc
Ø Pentium 4 or Due Core
Koha Architecture
Figure 1: Koha Architecture
Koha is built around several different architectural components working in concert. The Apache HTTPD server is the default tool supporting the heart of the Koha system. Set of Perl scripts that are the buffer between the user and the system (back end). These scripts on Apache and the web browsers that display their results are in a client/server relationship.
Server side scripts are called via the CGI extension of the Apache HTTPD server. The scripts are all written in Perl. There are modules written in Perl that will access the database (MySQL).
All HTML Pages are generated by Perl scripts. There is a standard HTML Perl module that generates the HTML pages based on HTML Perl templates.
There is a set of Perl modules for the Koha part of the system and a separate set of Perl modules for the Intranet part of the system.
Fig 3: Homepage of Koha Intranet
Koha Modules
Koha is integrated with the all most all the modules of the Library management system. In administration module there is option to generate the barcodes, import and export the BDP records, MARC Structure, Z39.50 servers and many more options. Statistics can be generated in Accounts and Reports module to see how the system will work effectively.
Fig 2: Koha Modules

Acquisitions Module
The Acquisitions module is divided into three parts
Ø Budgets and Book Records
Ø Suppliers
Ø Orders via Shopping baskets
1. Orders are submitted for approval before they are sent
2. Orders can be printed or sorted by order creator, or by book fund, then creator
Budget tracking can be done by
Ø Budget available
Ø Committed budget: When an order is placed, the corresponding funds are committed
Ø Spent Budget: When an order is delivered, spent amount
Koha manages orders in foreign currencies, secondary suppliers, partial deliveries, etc. A supplier can be deactivated but not the user.

Serials Module
Fig 4: Serials Module
It is possible to register subscriptions with reviews, and to track the arrival of periodicals. It manages late issues, skipped issues, and claims with the suppliers. It manages complex classifications, allowing the Librarian to work with eleven different publication periods (from daily newspapers to annul publication) with delayed publications, and with publications out of sequence.
Circulation Module
Koha is a ILS capable of managing Libraries divided into
Several rooms (Separate collections)
Several branches – Each item is assigned to a branch.
The circulation module allows
Borrowing a work from any branch
Returning an item
Reserving an item
Transfer of an items from one branch to another
Fig 5: Circulation Module
Cataloguing Module
Koha manages
MARC records
Tag 995
The thesaurus and authority lists
Importing records in ISO2709 format (the MARC reservoir) and through Z39.50 (client) for fast cataloguing.
The cataloguing module is one of the principal strong points of Koha. Several ‘frame works’ can be defined to do different cataloguing for monographs, electronic resources, periodicals, etc.
The MARC editor of each frame work is divided into 10 different tabs, making it possible to organize the display of the catalogue record. Each MARC tag and subfield may be presented to the user, using the explicit tag description (Tile, Personnel Name etc.). The corresponding tag number is also visible where necessary or preferable.
Fig 6: Cataloguing Module
Each MARC subfield can be affected by user constraints
Required Subfield
Repeatable subfield
Data type:
Free format: There is no constraint on the data that can be entered.
Subfield with “authorized values”. This constraint is used for the language of the document or the type of work (CDROM, Monographs, etc.).
Subfield connected to a thesaurus/authority list. A symbol (“…”) makes it possible for the cataloguer to open a new window for searching in the thesaurus. It is possible to manage an unlimited number of thesaurus/authority lists (Proper names, common nouns, collective authors, etc.).
Subfield with specific management (“pulgin”). The behavior of plugin is specified by a Library programmer. These plugins for all the 1xx fields of standard UNIMARC.
“Hidden” field: Managed and visible in the MARC editor, but invisible in the OPAC.
“URL” field: The field is a clickable link in the OPAC.
“Synonymous Semantic”: This constraint makes it possible to extend a search on this field over other fields which have the same semantic significance.
The call number can be pre-calculated
· From the Dewey Classification of the bibliographic record.
· From the Library of Congress classification.
The location of a document can be defined on three different levels:
The branch
The building / rooms
The call number
Koha accelerate fast cataloguing by
Management of a MARC record reservoir, in ISO2709 format.
A Z39.50 client that can access several Z39.50 servers.
Members Module
It is possible to manage not only individual borrowers, but also institutions, children’s, and families. It manages several addresses, telephone numbers, etc. It defines the minimum and maximum ages for members, cost of placing a reservation on an item, and rules for circulation.

Fig 7: Members Module
Librarian or Administrator can see the
Ø Overdue charges
Ø Reservations
Ø Set permission flags
Ø A note can be attached to each borrower record, which appears during circulation
Ø A note can be displayed to individual members when they log in on the OPAC.
WebOPAC Module
Koha provides a full functioned OPAC. OPAC users can carry out searches starting from ten fields (title, author, publisher, etc.). Catalogue data can be displayed in MARC format or in ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) format.
OPAC users can change the language of the OPAC for themselves. This change disappears when the web browser is closed, it returns to the default language the next time browser is launched.

Fig 8: WebOPAC Module
Logged-in members of OPAC can place reservations for an items, message will appear on the circulation screen when the item is returned.
Virtual Shelves is one of the important features of Koha. Logged-in members can create one or more virtual shelves on which he/she can “arrange” items permanently.
Three types of shelves are available
Private shelf: Only the creator can view it and modify its contents.
Public shelf: Any logged in member can view it or modify it.
Free shelf: any logged in member can view it or modify it.
Biblio Basket: Logged-in members can select records from on OPAC search and retrieval them by e-mail, either in human readable form or in an ISO2709 format file. An ISO2709 file can be processed using bibliographic software like EndNote.
A Suggestion Module is available in the OPAC, interfacing with the full acquisition module. Logged in users can submit suggestions for acquisition of an item, Koha automatically inform the user (by e-mail) action taken on each suggestion. If it is accepted, the order will be placed. Once the placed order has been received, it will be informed to the user by e-mail.
The open source software’s has brought the revolution in the all the fields of human being and also in the field of Library science. Open source software’s given the way for the free flow of Information to the end users. Koha is one such software available for free, definitely it fulfills the requirement of any kind Library house keeping operations.
Koha –
Koha 2.2 Users Guide
Koha on Windows –
Free & Open Source Software Portal
Open Source Software and Libraries Bibliography,
Library Automation Tools